

“I have a dream that someday all Indonesian children (especially starting from primary school age) they will capable and familiar with Concept Map (Peta Konsep) to understand (paham) their problem and do something (bisa) to solve them.”

Saya dilahirkan di Kota Udang Cirebon 39 tahun yang lalu tepatnya 16 Oktober. Setelah lulus STM Negri Cirebon jurusan elektronika tahun 1987, saya kuliah di STMIK Bina Nusantara Jakarta dan bekerja sebagai Asisten Laboratorium Hardware sejak tahun 1987. Saya sudah melewati 20 tahun bekerja di BiNus.
(I was born in Cirebon (the Prawn City) 39 years ago, October 16 for exact date. After graduated from Electronic Department of STM Negri Cirebon at 1987, I did my bachelor degree at STMIK Bina Nusantara (BiNus) Jakarta and worked there as Hardware Laboratory Assistant since 1987. I have passed 20 years working in BiNus).


Profile lengkap saya ada di LinkedIn.Saya memiliki istri yang hebat, Siani, dan 3 orang anak, yang paling besar Michael, 17 tahun sedang menjalani beasiswa dari pemerintah Singapore di Catholic Junior College di kelas JC1, yang kedua Nathasia, 10 tahun kelas 5 SD dan yang bungsu Laurencia, 7 tahun kelas 2 SD.
(My complete profile can be found at LinkedIn. I have a great wife, Siani, and 3 kids, the oldest one Michael, 17 years old, he got scholarship from Singapore Government (ASEAN Scholarship) at Catholic Junior College. He sit at JC1. Nathasia is my second daughter, 10 years old, she sit at grade 5). Laurencia is my last daughter, 7 years old, she sit at grade 2).

Ketika mengikuti MindJet Certified Trainer di Singapore 22-23 October 2007, saya diminta untuk mempresentasikan apa ide yang akan dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan MindManager Pro 7, saya kembali terpicu dan terpacu untuk mulai secara serius mengembangkan impian ini untuk menjadi kenyataan. impian saya adalah semua orang dapat memiliki keahlian menggunakan cara peta konsep atau peta pikiran. Impian ini sempat terkubur karena kesibukan dan rutinitas.Maka saya mengatakan pada diri saya sendiri: “Carpe diem!” atau “Seize the day!” yang artinya ambil tindakan sekarang dan teruskan sampai terwujud. Saya berdoa kepada Tuhan dan sepertinya Ia menjawab saya “Go ahead! I will make a way. Do your best and let Me do the rest…”. Saya juga merasakan dengan melihat perjalanan hidup saya, yang semuanya mengarah ke satu tujuan: Selamatkan Bangsa Indonesia melalui pendidikan.
(When I attend a t
raining for MindJet Certified Trainer in Singapore, 22-23 October 2007, I asked to present what is my idea to use MindManager Pro 7, my memory flash back and get encouragement to get serious on pursuing my dream to become a reality. My dream is everybody using Concept map or Mind Map as one of their skill. My dream was burried because of my busy schedule and routines. That is why then I told myself: “Carpe diem! or Seize the day! You must take action now and pursue your dream so it can be achieved. I prayed to God, and I sense that He answered me “Go ahead! I will make a way. Do your best and let Me do the rest…” I also felt that when I try to contemplate my life, everything and everyone that I met go to one ultimate goal: “Save the Indonesia through education.)

Sehingga saya putuskan untuk meninggalkan sesuatu bagi bangsa ini sebelum dipanggil pulang olehNya. Hidup ini singkat dan jangan sia-siakan. Jadikan hidup ini berarti!
(So I decided to leave something for this nation before I got back to met God. This life is too short and not to be wasted. Live meaningful life!)

Dukungan berupa dana bisa dikirimkan kepada:
(I need support in cash and can be sent through:)
Suryadiputra Liawatimena
BCA Tahapan, KCP BiNus
Nomor rekening: 527-0147-005

HP: +62.816.118.6693

Sekecil apapun bantuan anda itu sangat berarti demi perjuangan ini. Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya atas dukungannya. Biarlah Tuhan Yang Maha Pemberi membalaskan budi baik anda sekalian berlipat ganda.
(Nothing is too small from your help, it means a lot for my struggle. Thank you very much in advance for your help and attention. Let God, who merciful, repay you in magical way.)

Jadilah Pemeta-Pemeta Pikiran! Mari kita singsingkan lengan baju kita demi terwujudnya “Bangkitnya Generasi Anak Bangsa Yang Berseru: Aku Paham dan Bisa!”
(Be a mindmappers! Let us get ready to make this vision comes true “There will be a young generation that shout: I am understand and can solve the problem!”)

Mulailah perjalanan anda dengan membaca artikel-artikel dari kategori Kelas Jauh dan melihat banyak Contoh.
(Start your journey from reading articles from Distant Class Category and learn from many examples.)

Selamat mempelajari Peta Konsep dan membantu saya untuk menyebarkan ilmu ini kepada siapapun yang anda ingin bagi.
(Have a nice learning experience on Concept Map and then you help me to distribute this skill to everyone that you want to share it.)

Terima kasih.
(Thank you.)

Salam Hangat,
(Warmest Regards,)
Suryadiputra Liawatimena
Tangerang, Akhir Oktober 2007
(Tangerang, End of October 2007)


  1. I appreciate your posts. Could you perhaps include even a paragraph or two in English on your About page?


    p.s. having the Logout link right beside the comment input box is very odd! I don’t often see Logout from WordPress buttons … and can’t imagine why you’d have one just there.

  2. Dear Ben,

    The Logout Button position is from Ocean Mist Theme.
    My English is not so good, I am trying to modify my About page in bilingual. Thanks for your appreciation and concern.


  3. Coba ini Mind-mappingnya BLOGGER !

    My view of Blogosphere (1) – Menyambut Pesta Blogger 2007


  4. If God told you to do something and you feel that he will make a way, why are you asking for money? That certainly is not of God.

  5. Dear Marianne,

    It is true that: Money is not everything, but everything need money. In that time when I was writing About page, money has higher priority. As time goes by, I grow my understanding that I can not hurry the process. Let the people understand what Mind Map is, slowly but sure (in Javanese we have saying: alon-alon asal kelakon). Let the people come to this blog, instead me going everywhere to spread the knowledge as my original/ first planning.

    Thanks for your attention.

    Warmest Regards,

  6. This is a lovely idea and I truly hope that you achieve it.
    I am always at peace when I am Mind Mapping.
    Mindjet is very limiting, it does not allow for true organic mapping to take place. Children respond much better to iMindMap which allows organic maps to develop quickly and easily. Tim

  7. Dear Tim,

    Yes, I know the curvy branch of iMindMap is very good, also the freehand drawing mode.
    I also agree that iMindMap is suitable for children to learn with mindmapping.
    Thank you for your wish and support for PKAB.

    Warmest regards,

  8. Assalaamua’laikum
    Terimakasih atas ilmu yang anda bagi mengenai petakonsep. akan saya gunakan dan sebarkan kepada rekan guru dan siswa-siswi saya agara dapat merangkum materi pelajaran tiap babnya secara bersama-sama menjadi sebuah peta konsep besar dan lengkap,

    • Terima kasih atas perhatian dan bantuan dari mbak Widiati. Bila bersedia, tolong kirimkan hasil rangkumannya sehingga bisa dishare kepada yang membutuhkannya. Coba juga pelajari contoh2 peta konsep pada mata pelajaran yang sempat dicatat dalam blog ini, seperti Fisika, Matematika, dll.

  9. You are enlighten truly with an frractal mind.

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