Posted by: pkab | 4 September 2008

Mental Maps in Second Life

By: David 

The maps lie them are the most useful instrument for the rappresentazione of ideas and complex concepts.  Siccome is a person who can feel in difficulty when she wants to try to explain an idea has seemed interesting to try to me to take advantage of this most powerful instrument.
In the first place part defining itself a argument centers them (called Central Topic or similar) and a radial logic is developed to the map second. To that one they centers can in fact be connected in radial form a series of nodes of first level (Topic calls), everyone of which can be ulteriorly articulate in Subtopic (nodes of second level) and thus via.
This is the way to operate with the maps lies them, a logic of simple learning.
In Second Life I have experienced the possibility to create a map lies them 3D collaborativa, not fine to if same, but that it allows the development of an idea from more persons in real time.
This because creed is much more useful from this point of view, that is that one of the collaboration and cooperation.
On the Island of Lipari you will be able to come to find to me and to ask a copy to me for this tool that I will supply you gratis (mine completely avatar is JonnyBee Cioc).
All will be very chip axes the observations to care because the instrument is sure migliorabile even if it has already caught up a good level of thoroughness.

Source: VirtualWorkGroup

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