Posted by: pkab | 3 April 2009

MindJet – Beyond!

Duration 1:20

Linear Thinking takes you straight to the expected.
Visual Thinking takes you… Anywhere (4x… no 8x… ups: Everyhere!)
Here… Ideas and Information are Boogie.
And your thinking can bloom. Bloom. Bloom (slowly… ups: Explode….!!)
Boundless! Yet crystal clear.

Surprise! Your brainchild just grew up. But don’t stop there.
Connect with others! (using MindJet Connect)

Because great minds think differently.
Together, You can attack the challenges from all sides.
With all the Arsenal of insights.

Don’t just imagine.
Solve stuff.
Do huge things.
Shock everyone.

Welcome to what changing the world looks like…

Contact Sur at +62.816.118.6693 or visit Gudang Piranti to find out more information about MindJet MindManager.

Posted by: pkab | 3 April 2009

Team MindJet Planning Dashboard

By: Zotary

MindManager “Team Mindjet” Planning Dashboard

Duration 1:38

We used MindManager to plan our “Team Mindjet” at the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge, in San Francisco, Sept 2007.

Posted by: pkab | 25 March 2009

The Past Simple Tense

By: Ana Todorovic

Hello everybody! I am the dinosaur from the past!

Once upon a time, millions of years ago, long before there were any people, I lived happily with my family. I ate grass and tree leaves, but there were some dinosaurs that ate other animals.

We dominated the Earth for over 165 million years, but mysteriously died out 65 million years ago. In the beginning, we walked on two legs; much later we started walking on four legs. Some of us were very speedy, others were rather slow.

I was a very cheerful and happy dinosaur.

Past Simple Tense Mind Map

Past Simple Tense Mind Map

Read the complete article at TT GROUP.

Posted by: pkab | 25 March 2009

The Present Simple Tense

By: Ana Todorovic

And now, in English! Take a look at the mind map! As you can see, the symbol of Superman is used deliberately. The first idea that came to my mind when I was developing the map was to draw a really eye-catching symbol in the central position so that it can easily be associated with the tense given. Why Superman? The initial S is a really distinctive feature of the Present Simple Tense, since it is added to the verb used with the third person singular. In particular, English-learners will often forget to add –s when they use the Present Simple. The central drawing is here to remind the visual types of learners not to forget the most specific fact concerning the grammatical form. As you can see, the purple branch gives a clear illustration of the positive form of the verb given. The ant here represents plural since ants are numberless insects.

Simple Present Tense Mind Map

Simple Present Tense Mind Map

Read the complete article at TT Group.

Posted by: pkab | 25 March 2009

Learn a language with mind mapping

By: Katarzyna and Mark

Mind mapping

course_21fCreating mind maps or mind mapping is using a paper and pencil to draw out maps of connections between two or more ideas. You can use mind maps to learn a language with grammatical ideas, vocabulary and even conversational ideas such as question and answer. Mind maps look like neurons and dendrites or trees. This is not by coincidence. It is a refection how natural structures create connetion, including your memory. Each person draws a mind map in a different way. Some are clean and orderly others seem to be pure chaos. It does not matter. Your style of mind mapping is your style. You can use colors, pictures or whatever you want to make your mind map beautiful or fun. Read More…

Posted by: pkab | 21 March 2009

Cara Menerapkan 6 Topi Berpikir

How To Apply Six Thinking Hats Mind Map

How To Apply Six Thinking Hats Mind Map

Seberapa seringkah kita mendengar pertanyaan dari Boss besar: Bagaimana situasi kita saat ini?Apakah masih aman terkendali dalam n bulan (atau minggu) ke depan? Apakah kita masih bisa memimpin? Atau kita sudah tersalip oleh pesaing kita? Seberapa jauh jarak antara kita dengan para pesaing? Apa lagi yang bisa kita tingkatkan lagi? Apakah ada inovasi yang baru?

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu sangat-sungguh-amat-penting-sekali Apalagi kalau dalam situasi yang kritis karena tergerus oleh perubahan global yang semakin sengit dan hyper-competitive. Teknik Berpikir 6 Topi adalah salah satu cara untuk menggambarkan situasi saat ini untuk menjelaskan permasalahan yang perlu diusahakan jalan keluarnya.

Tahukah anda bahwa setiap pagi para eksekutif dari 85% perusahaan yang termasuk Fortune 100 (yaitu daftar perusahaan yang memiliki pendapatan terbesar sedunia) mengadakan brainstorming dengan menggunakan MindJet MindManager agar mereka bisa tetap dalam daftar tersebut? Bagaimana dengan perusahaan anda?

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